The Approach of Frederic Sanuy

Crafting a Comprehensive DAM Strategy

In the digital age, the management of digital assets has become a critical component of organizational success. Frederic Sanuy, a renowned expert in Digital Asset Management (DAM), offers a well-structured approach to developing and implementing a DAM strategy. Here’s an outline of his approach, which ensures the efficient handling of digital assets from assessment to maintenance.

1. Assessment

The first step in Sanuy’s approach is to understand the current state of digital assets within an organization. This involves evaluating the existing assets, their usage, and the challenges faced in managing them. A thorough assessment helps in identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement.

2. Define Objectives

Clearly defining the objectives of the DAM strategy is crucial. What does the organization aim to achieve? Whether it’s improving asset accessibility, ensuring brand consistency, or enhancing workflow efficiency, setting clear goals helps in aligning the DAM strategy with the organization’s overall objectives.

3. Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging with stakeholders is a vital step. This involves collaborating with various departments to gather requirements and ensure that the DAM system aligns with their needs. Effective stakeholder engagement ensures that the system will be widely accepted and utilized across the organization.

4. Select DAM System

Selecting the right DAM system is a critical decision. Sanuy advocates for in-house development to ensure the quality of work. However, the chosen system should meet the organization’s specific needs, be scalable, and integrate seamlessly with existing tools and processes.

5. Metadata & Taxonomy

Once the system is selected, the next step is to define metadata and taxonomy. This involves creating a structured classification of digital assets, which makes it easier to search, retrieve, and manage them. Proper metadata and taxonomy are the backbone of an efficient DAM system.

6. Asset Migration

Migrating existing assets to the new DAM system is often a daunting task. It requires careful planning to ensure that all assets are transferred correctly without any loss of data. Sanuy emphasizes a systematic approach to asset migration, ensuring a smooth transition.

7. Training & Adoption

No DAM strategy can succeed without proper training and adoption. Sanuy highlights the importance of training users and promoting the adoption of the new system. This helps in maximizing the utilization of the DAM system and ensuring that it becomes an integral part of daily operations.

8. Maintenance & Review

Finally, the DAM strategy must include regular maintenance and review. This involves continually assessing the system’s performance, updating it as needed, and ensuring that it continues to meet the organization’s evolving needs. Regular reviews help in identifying areas for improvement and keeping the system up-to-date.


Frederic Sanuy’s approach to a DAM project is a comprehensive and systematic method that ensures the efficient management of digital assets. By following these steps, organizations can develop a robust DAM strategy that enhances operational efficiency, ensures the effective use of digital assets, and aligns with their strategic objectives. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to improve an existing system, this approach provides a clear roadmap to success in Digital Asset Management.

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